By Don Southerton, Songdo IBD CityTalk Editor and Chief Blogger
Songdo IBD CityTalk is for sharing information, news, and opinions about Incheon, South Korea’s Songdo International Business District (IBD).
Songdo IBD Citytalk은 한국의 송도 국제 업무지구에 대한 최신 정보와 뉴스, 그리고 여러 분야 전문가들의 의견을 나누려는 목적으로 만들어진 블로그입니다.
Songdo IBD CityTalk Goal Create a virtual community where the local public, media, bloggers, journalists, cutting edge urban enthusiasts, Green supporters, developers, tenants, contractors, and folks from around the world can share and discuss Songdo IBD and its vision.
Songdo IBD Citytalk은 지역경제, 미디어, 블로거, 저널리스트, 최첨단 도시 매니아, 환경 운동가, 도시 개발가, 부동산 투자자, 그밖에 세계 모든 사람들과 송도 국제 업무 지구과 송도의 미래에 대해서 토론할 수 있는 공간을 제공합니다.
We strictly prohibit any postings that contain incorrect or misleading information about Songdo IBD, or slander Songdo IBD and its stakeholders.
하지만, 우리는 송도 국제 업무지구와 그와 관련된 사람들에 대한 어떠한 잘못된 정보 혹은 의도된 중상을 엄격히 금지할 것 입니다.
Songdo IBD CityTalk Guidelines Songdo IBD CityTalk supports the Blogger’s Code of Ethics as posted in We will abide by three main principles, “be honest and fair, minimize harm and be accountable.”
Songdo IBD Citytalk 윤리지침; Songdo IBD Citytalk는 Cyberjournalist (의 블로거 윤리 기준(Blogger’s Code of Ethics)을 지킬 것 입니다. 특별히, 우리는 기본적인 세가지 블로거 윤리 기준인 “정직하고 공평한(be honest and fair), 피해를 입히지 않는(minimize harm), 믿을 만한(be accountable) 글을 올려야 한다는 블로거 윤리 기준을 준수합니다.
This Blog is designed to be Mobile Blogging (moblog) friendly and is Mobile Posting compatible
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Some Facts Songdo IBD is a planned international business center being developed on 1,500 acres of reclaimed land along the Incheon waterfront, 40 miles (65 km) west of Seoul, South Korea. The project is part of the Incheon Free Economic Zone. In 2009, Songdo IBD will connect to Incheon International Airport by the 7.4 mile (12.3 km) Incheon Bridge.
The Songdo IBD will include a convention center, international school, mall, museum, ecotarium, cultural center, Jack Nicklaus Golf Course, Northeast Asia Trade Towers (NEATT), First World Towers, and Central Park. This 10-year development project is estimated to cost in excess of $40 billion, making it the largest private global development. The project’s vision is to make the city and South Korea the preeminent business hub of Asia.
Songdo IBD is being developed by Gale International and POSCO E &C. Songdo IBD has already received numerous accolades. It’s seen as a test bed for sustainability, Green, and cutting-edge urban technology.
Questions? Comments? Please note we promote open communications. In order to protect against spam and abusive remarks, all comments will be reviewed before being posted. That said, we ask you to register and look forward to your thoughts, contributions, and participation. Blog on
질문 혹은 의견: 자유롭고 활발한 토론의 분위기를 유지하기 위해 스팸이나 욕설이 포함된 글은 포스트 되기 전에 삭제 될 것 입니다. 따라서, 블로그에 여러분의 생각과 참여를 포스트 하시기 위해서 블로그 회원에 가입해 주시길 부탁 드립니다.
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